Over 3400 Perl Modules in Web Hosting
If you get one of the web hosting plans that we provide, you'll get access to a huge library of over 3400 Perl modules which are already set up on our cloud server platform. Once you sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel, you're able to visit the Server Information section where you could check the full list. Some of them are more common than others, however we offer such a large number since we realize that when you employ an app from a third-party website, it may have certain prerequisites as to which modules have to be available on the server or it may not work properly. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are some of the modules that you're able to access and use on your websites.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers
With more than 3400 Perl modules pre-installed on our cloud hosting platform, you'll be able to manage any script application written in this programming language without any problems irrespective of the semi-dedicated server package that you pick. The abovementioned is valid for both pre-made apps that you discover online and for custom ones which you write. We supply such a multitude of modules for two reasons - first, to give you a choice in respect to what kind of features you are able to add to your applications and sites and secondly, to ensure that if you want to employ a ready script, it will run properly whatever the modules it will need. That's why, many of the modules in our library are very popular whereas others are employed rarely. You can find a list of all modules inside your web hosting Control Panel along with the access path that your scripts need to use these modules.