Genuine Cloud Architecture in Web Hosting
The shared Internet hosting service that we provide uses a true cloud platform and you'll be able to use its complete potential and benefit from its advantages through the in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, which was created specifically for it. We have clusters of servers handling each and every part of the hosting service including, but not limited to files, statistics, databases, Control Panel, e-mail messages, etcetera, so you will practically not see any downtime of your Internet sites even for maintenance. The resources available will be virtually limitless as we can add more hard disk drives for more space and whole servers for additional processing power to any of the clusters if needed. If you get one of our shared web hosting solutions, you will use a very fast, stable and reliable hosting service on a real cloud platform.
Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Servers
We don't make any compromises with the services that we offer, so when we say that we use a true cloud Internet hosting platform, we actually mean it. The semi-dedicated server packages that you can buy from our company are set up on powerful clusters of hosting servers, so your files, databases and e-mail messages will be stored on individual clusters, and even services like visitor stats, logs and the Control Panel will be handled by their own machines. The hardware configuration is redundant, so you'll never experience any downtime and you can enjoy a quick and reliable service at all times. The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all semi-dedicated accounts, was intended to work on our cloud platform, so you can take full advantage of the hardware. When we need more processing power or there is an issue with a machine, we will attach additional servers to any of the clusters without any effect on the correct functioning of your sites.